my carrd !ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ x



DNI! proship,comship,u hate anything in the lgbt+, racists, ppl who fetishise minors, basically anything problematic
BYF! if i say "KYS!!!" and things that r equivilant 2 that its in a joking way. might take a bit to respond to u bc i overthink my messages el oh el.

FAVS ! ihop milkshakes (will murder 4 one), ice cream cake, birthday cake flavoured cookies

YES!! KIRBY<33, pokemon, south park, fnaf, cardcaptor sakura, tbhk, murder drones

NO!! dream smp, blueycapsules, genshin impact, K-ON "but whats wrong with it!!/??!1" SHTU UP!!!

OTHER ! give music reccomendations pls i need songs 2 listen to

random things!!!